Thursday, February 12, 2009

Famed IT Investor and Director of 23andme Esther Dyson Identifies on Genetic Information as an Extremely Disruptive Force

Famed IT Investor and Director of 23andme Esther Dyson Identifies on Genetic Information as an Extremely Disruptive Force

Video interview with Dyson featured on, Nokia's new website, which provides innovative ways to interact with thought leaders and their "big ideas" about the future of communications

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) February 12, 2009 -- Esther Dyson, IT investor, catalyst to numerous start-ups, and director of genetic testing service 23andme, says that as we further our understanding of genetics, scientists in turn will be enabled to reconfigure how genes work to achieve desired results. Dyson foresees future technology where scientists will be able to inject a specific genomic structure into an individual to save their life, or through proper genomic identification, identify the appropriate drug to treat their ailment.

A video interview with Dyson talking about genetic information being disruptive is featured on IdeasProject, a unique website developed by Nokia. IdeasProject is an online space that provides a new way to interact with thought leaders and their big ideas about the future of connected communications. For more on Dyson's idea, visit

"The more people know, the more conscious they are of how things work, and the more likely they are to make better decisions," said Dyson. "One area in which people's decisions have a huge impact is their own personal health and understanding of how that works. The impact of their behavior is going to make more people make better decisions of their own volition without being forced or deluded into doing things they don't want to do."

"We are proud to feature such luminaries as Esther Dyson in the IdeasProject," says Valerie Buckingham, director of technology marketing, Nokia. "In the same way that Esther has been an ongoing catalyst for IT companies, IdeasProject wants to deposit those themes into the human dialogue to facilitate understanding, discussion and innovation around the globe. We're honored that our charter contributors like Esther, share their wealth of knowledge, inspire the world and enrich the pool of big ideas."

For the next three months, visitors to have the opportunity to submit their own Big Idea. Editors will be regularly highlighting their favorite ideas, and sending a Nokia N95 to the Big Thinker who was selected. We'll also be featuring our favorite visitor-contributed Big Ideas along with the ideas of other contributors.

About Esther Dyson:

Esther Dyson ( is a long-time catalyst of start-ups in information technology in the U.S. and other markets, including Russia. Since selling her company, EDventure Holdings, to CNET Networks in 2004, she has taken on newer challenges in private aviation and space as well as in health care (as a director of 23andMe, a consumer genetics company). Her IT investments have included Flickr and (both sold to Yahoo!), and Medstory (sold to Microsoft), as well as Meetup Inc.,, Boxbe and Voxiva. She is also an active investor in air and space, with holdings in Space Adventures and Zero-G Corporation, as well as XCOR Aerospace, Constellation Services International, Coastal Technologies Group,, Airship Ventures and Icon Aircraft.

About IdeasProject:

IdeasProject (, a project of Nokia hosted at, brings together the most visionary and influential "big thinkers" to contemplate the big ideas that matter most to the future of communications. It is a new kind of conversation platform aimed at uncovering the connections between these thought leaders and their disruptive ideas. Explore the IdeasProject website, subscribe to its RSS feed, join its Twitter feed (ideasproject), and come back often to learn about great new big ideas as they break.

About Nokia:

Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of mobile devices with services and software that enable people to experience music, navigation, video, television, imaging, games, business mobility and more. Developing and growing our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is a key area of focus. We also provide equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.


Contact Information Karen Lachtanski



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