Sunday, March 1, 2009

Email Marketing Systems Provider, Zrinity, Continues to Grow in Slow Economy

Email Marketing Systems Provider, Zrinity, Continues to Grow in Slow Economy

Companies like Zrinity providing business mission critical systems that streamline business processes are growing through the slow economy. Web 2.0 business continues to grow according to email marketing firm, Zrinity.

Central New York (PRWEB) March 1, 2009 -- Zrinity, a Central New York based on-premise email marketing systems firm (, sees continued growth in the Web 2.0 sector. According to Zrinity owners, the economy is in a slump, but business owners continue to invest in new technologies that streamline their business and industry. Zrinity owners also credit their lean business structure for their continued growth. By keeping overhead low, such as conducting meetings through online meeting systems, Zrinity maintains a lean posture and has very low overhead. Web marketing, such as well-positioned Google rankings, produces a large percentage of the firms' new business, which is also a factor in low overhead and high profit.

According to Zrinity owners, Zrinity added many new customers in Q1 2009, which isn't over, as it did in the entire second half of 2008. Zrinity owners believe that growth will parlay into over four hundred percent (400%) growth in 2009. The underlying theme of Zrinity's new customers is that "there was always a team of experts conducting research that chose Zrinity, and a vast majority of the firms were Web 2.0 businesses."

Zrinity recently announced a more flexible licensing strategy that gives online retailers the ability to save budget dollars while better communicating with existing clients. The licensing suggests a more defensive posture for online retailers whereby they spend more time and resources on existing customers which cost less to keep than gaining new customers. First and foremost online retailers should shore up pre-existing customer relationships using transactional email marketing and up-selling.

Zrinity also released a new licensing model to help medium-sized business access high end email systems that are typically only used by large business in-house. In addition, Zrinity produced a YouTube® video which explains how medium-sized business can grow in this down economy by shifting from paper to electronic methods of invoicing, customer relationship management and more. The newer licensing combined with the more extensive use of transactional email marketing, saves medium-sized business customers millions every year. According to Rob Thrasher, VP Marketing, Zrinity, "Most business owners are not yet aware that 30% of each email sent in the regular course of business, such as invoices, can contain marketing messages. This provides a huge opportunity to up sell, cross sell and more."

Mother Nature, a New York City based "Natural Products" online retailer, has been working with the Zrinity team as online business consultants and a web-based software system provider since 2000. Oliver Clark, Chief Technology Officer, Mother Nature, recently selected Zrinity as his on-premise email marketing system. Mr. Clark commented that he selected Zrinity because, "I already know I can trust the Zrinity team to deliver on the results promised since we have known the team for over seven years."

The key functionality provided by the Zrinity system according to Mr. Clark is, "The deliverability metrics. The metrics are very comprehensive and without the metrics provided by the Zrinity system we couldn't really know how effective we are and if we do have any trouble, at which point in the email delivery process we are having the problem."

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Contact Information ROB THRASHER




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